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Image by Claudia Altamimi


Learn how you can help us move our mission forward. 


100% of donations go toward providing eye care for patients. The money is used to purchase sunglasses, reading glasses, surgical supplies and medications - including antibiotic eye drops and glaucoma medications.  We also employ local interpreters during clinic hours.  Team members are responsible for their own transportation, room and board during missions. 


Next Mission Trip


Our next mission trip is to Guatemala where we will be performing eye examinations, distributing glasses, and screening for any eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Our journey will start in Antigua, followed by Santigo Atitlán, and finally El Paredon on the south coast.

Ongoing Education

Port au Prince, Haiti

International Vision is committed to providing training and education for future eye care providers.  We include optometry students from the school in Port au Prince on our trips to Île-à-Vache to teach them hands-on skills. They learn the nuances of diagnosis and treatment in the field with us so that they will have more than textbook learning when they graduate.

Eye Care for Refugees

Fort McCoy, Wisconsin



Read about our mission where we helped perform vision screenings and distribute glasses to a portion of the 13,500 Afghan refugees who are currently staying at Fort McCoy. 


Let us know if you're interested in learning how you can help move our mission forward. 

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